Thursday 25 October 2007

Working nine to five


I had a meeting at work to inform me I may be put onto the disciplinary process as a result of my absence.
I have been off quite a lot this year, I admit. I have always followed the appropriate procedure and obtained medical certification where required.

Here's the thing. My employer knew about my condition when they employed me. I was off for six months following surgery several years ago, and volunteered for redundancy through ill health. They declined.
I have seen company doctors and specialists, granted access to medical records, and complied with every request made of me. I have been sedated, intubated, injected and invaded.

What have I not done?

I have not made a choice to absent myself from my job voluntarily for 51 weeks, expected to be paid for at least half this time, and then demanded the right for flexible working on my return. Unlike any female employee who should choose to have a child.

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