The next line is outside the prison gates. I'm rubbish at estimating height, but these things are higher than the second day of Woodstock.
The names are called again, and we are led through a smaller door inset in the main gate. And into a small building to join the next queue. This queue is for searches and photographing of male visitors. Once photographed, male visitors are issued a bar coded card which they must keep with them at all times during the visit. This is to prevent attempts at cunning identity swap escape schemes.
The three of us go in to be searched together. I'm surprised by how cursory it is. The officers carrying out the searches are pleasant and friendly.
Officer "Don't loose that card"
My Mate "I won't"
Officer " We accidentally scared a lad half to death last week. He couldn't find his card when it came to the end of the visit. So I told him we'd have to find him a cell overnight while we verified his identity. I was only joking, but he believed me. Took us ages to calm him down..."
And so we pass though the last door to the visit room. But it's not a room, it's a a place the size of two tennis courts, full of faces hoping their visitors have made it in.
The names are called again, and we are led through a smaller door inset in the main gate. And into a small building to join the next queue. This queue is for searches and photographing of male visitors. Once photographed, male visitors are issued a bar coded card which they must keep with them at all times during the visit. This is to prevent attempts at cunning identity swap escape schemes.
The three of us go in to be searched together. I'm surprised by how cursory it is. The officers carrying out the searches are pleasant and friendly.
Officer "Don't loose that card"
My Mate "I won't"
Officer " We accidentally scared a lad half to death last week. He couldn't find his card when it came to the end of the visit. So I told him we'd have to find him a cell overnight while we verified his identity. I was only joking, but he believed me. Took us ages to calm him down..."
And so we pass though the last door to the visit room. But it's not a room, it's a a place the size of two tennis courts, full of faces hoping their visitors have made it in.
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