Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Idiot Filter

Todays post has been inspired by Nee Naw

The G.P. surgery I use has improved massively since the introduction of Dr Idiot Filter.

It works like this:

Patient calls and wants same day appointment. Reception takes the patients number and Dr I.F. calls back, taking a history of the current complaint while reviewing the notes on screen. Dr I.F. then decides whether the patient needs an appointment that morning.

Despite this slowing things down a touch (Dr I.F. is a slow and considered one-finger typist), it's done wonders for the surgery. I've got a chronic condition, so I do sometimes need a short notice appointment. In the two or three times I've been in this year, the waiting room has been magically free of rattling addicts coming for replacement methadone prescriptions because they've 'lost' their last one.

In addition, although the phone line is still busy, it's not uncommon to be able to get through to book an appointment these days.

Nee Naw, it's a shame you and your colleagues aren't allowed an Idiot Filter.

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