I arrive at the GP's surgery. It is quiet. And I mean quiet - there are two other people there. The receptionist is new. She isn't chewing gum in a slack jawed manner and wearing a tabard, but you get my point.
Me: Hello, I've come to pick up a repeat prescription and a sick note
Her: .................................
I notice her jaw slacken sightly. Does this mean she has heard me? As her eyes don't focus, I have another go.
Me: I've come to collect a repeat prescription and a sign off?
Her: Oh.
Very Long Pause
Her: So have you got one then? They take 48 hours you know.You can't just have one you know.
Me: Yes, I know. I rang up and ordered both on Tuesday. Today is Thursday.
The expression on her face leads me to suspect that the fact that today is Thursday is news to her.
Another V.L.P
Me: Would you like my name then?
I give my name.A third V.L.P. She doesn't move. I can see the box with my repeat prescription and sign off. It is, at best guess, 12 cms from her left hand.She won't even need to stand up. I smile and nod encouragingly. Perhaps she thinks I am 'a wierdo'.After all, I am not wearing any gold, I am over thirty and do not have any children with me. I have all my teeth and no tattoos. I haven't sworn at her. I am not grey and shaking and demanding my 'script'.
A further V.L.P. She turns her back on me.
Her: Well, I'll have to look for it. Sighs. You'll have to wait.Sighs.Would you like to take a seat (this was not a request).
Now, this could have gone a number of ways, save for the floor to ceiling bulletproof screen and the fact I'm in quite a good mood.
Me: No, thank you. I would like you to look for my repeat prescription and my sick note and give it to me, now, please.
The jaw slackens yet further in what I can best decribe as shock. Some doctors' receptionists' think they are on a par to God. I, however,think not.
After further heavy sighing, she drags herself along on her wheeled chair.And gets the repeat prescription and sick note. And hands them to me. Very slowly. The last person I saw moving that slowly was an in-paient on a zimmer frame.
Me. Thank you.
Her ...............sigh.
Some years ago, I had cause to go through a formal complaints procedure with my surgery. The were several problems, but the B12 was the last straw. I need weekly shot of B12. The surgery don't keep it.Methadone yes, vitamins....no.
I was told I'd need to make an appointment to be prescribed it. I would then need to collect the prescription, store it at home and make a second appointment to have it administered. Two appointments that would a) not be available to people who needed them and b) because of the distance I live from work, mean 6 hours off a week.
I was not a happy kipper.Things were eventually resolved, and I'd noticed a massive improvement in the surgery in the last 18 months. They've employed some additional GP's, who are excellent, and the appointments system has been over hauled.The phone lines open earlier, and there are a lot more clinics and longer opening hours. Trying to be fair and even handed, I was going to write to them. After all, I'd complained, so shouldn't I also give credit?
Then it took me 10 minutes to get a piece of paper to travel less than a foot.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
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I like your receptionist dialog. :)
Thank you!
As in my blurb, this blog is my place to let off a bit of steam from the cycle of chronic illness, but I hope I can keep a sense of humour intact when doing so. Becasue sometimes, if you don't laugh you'd end up going nuts.
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